U.S. Archdioceses and Dioceses on Twitter
[Update: Also, check out our list of (Arch)Dioceses on Facebook!]For some time, I've been looking for a listing of Archdioceses with a presence on Twitter (I follow about 10 or so of them, but I know...
View ArticleUSCCB Social Media Guidelines
The USCCB recently released a working draft of their social media guidelines, after receiving input from a variety of diocesan personnel. The draft includes general principles for social media use, a...
View ArticleLive-Blogging to Drive Traffic, Interest to Organizational Events
The Steubenville St. Louis Mid-America conference is attended by over 6,000 teens every year, and there are many parents, friends, and other teens who wish they could participate as well. We have...
View ArticleStudy shows 2/3 of Churches not using any Social Media
Buzzplant (a social media firm) recently surveyed thousands of Churches (it was a general survey, so not just Catholics), asking what forms of social communications they were using to communicate with...
View ArticleNew Twitter Hashtag for Catholic Media, Social Media
There's a new Twitter hashtag around these parts, for social media use. This hashtag came about as a response to those who were wondering where to move after the bulk of the #cnmc (Catholic New Media...
View ArticleTwitter Module on OSC Updated to use OAuth
Since the beginning of this website, we've had a Twitter page that shows all tweets from Open Source Catholic members who choose to allow OSC to show their tweets.In the past, we used a simple...
View Article2011: Social Media Tipping Point for the Catholic Church
My prediction: 2011 will be the year of Social Media for the Catholic Church... at least in the United States.Let's look at some of the latest developments:One of the topics for next week's Fall...
View ArticleThe Pope, on Twitter
Apparently, on December 3, the Holy See Press Office will hold a press conference announcing the Pope's official entry into the Twitterverse. From the Vatican Information Service: Vatican City, 29...
View ArticleThe Pope's first tweet (@pontifex)
As seen on Whispers...A couple interesting notes:The Pope seems to have not actually triggered the tweet, as he pushed up on the screen, registering a scroll rather than a tweet. Oh well.The Pope is...
View Article#ThanksPontifex - a Twitter Storm to Thank the Pope
I wanted to thank the Pope as he retired but I didn't know how. I happen to work with youth ministry, so I also wanted a way for teens to get involved. Then this idea came to me, why don't we create a...
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